Moratilla de los Meleros - GU-254 19144MORATILLA DE LOS MELEROS (Guadalajara)
How to reach Moratilla de los Meleros. Moratilla de los Meleros, a small town where you arrive, in two ways, or by the N-320 catching on deviation in the exit 239, Fuentelencina direction, crosses the village, 150 metres away, on the left, you find the local road GU-209, go down the ravine of the Saornil, and about 6...
Callle del Rollo / Barrio Alto 19144MORATILLA DE LOS MELEROS (Guadalajara)
Property from the 12th century of Pedro Miguel and his descendants, became reigning Alfonso VIII to the order of Calatrava. Charles V granted the category of villa, erecting a roll of plateresque capital of the most interesting in the province of Guadalajara...
Calle del Coso, 14 19144MORATILLA DE LOS MELEROS (Guadalajara)
The parish church dedicated to La Asunción was built in the 16th century in the West of the village, on the remains of another former Romanesque, which retains the flare cover...
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