Plaza Mayor, 6 9610SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS (Burgos)
We are in room number 9 of the 6 bed, and four others have Extra beds , becoming three seater rooms . All rooms are exterior , some with views of the square , as is the case with this number rooms 9 ...
Plaza Mayor, 6 9610SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS (Burgos)
The hotel is located in Santo Domingo de Silos ( Burgos ) , 200 miles north of Madrid, 55 kilometers south of the city of Burgos. The NI is only 30 kilometers ( Lerma ) ...
The hotel has 16 rooms, we found the number 5, all doubles with bathroom, some like this has a shower or bath tub , TV, Phone , Internet access , central heating...
Acceso Desfiladero de La Yecla 9610SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS (Burgos)
The narrow gorge carved by the action of the waters of the stream Runway for millions of years , has areas with a width of barely two meters. On the summits over 100 nesting pairs of vultures ...
Plaza Mayor / Nocturna 9610SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS (Burgos)
The current setting for the village of Silos has its origins in the charter of Alfonso VI , king of Castile and Leon, granted to the abbey , in 1098 , by which the abbot could populate next to the monastery , leaving these settlers under the protection and abbot vassalage ...
Desfiladero de La Yecla 9610SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS (Burgos)
The Natural Park of Yecla, impresses his deep, narrow gorge in the limestone patterned materials that characterize the relief of the Peñas de Cervera, abrupt escarpments with a wide variety of ways...
Vista Panoramica Santo Domingo de Silos 9610SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS (Burgos)
SANTO DOMINGO DE SILOS is a village and monastery of Benedictine monks , sites in the mountains of southeastern province of Burgos, at 57km . of capital. Villa and asientann monastery in eastern Tabladillo Valley , 1,000 m ...
Search results: 12 places/enterprices of 13 available.
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