Calle de Villardeciervos, S/n - 49337VILLANUEVA DE VALROJO (Zamora)
Villanueva de Valrojo is in the northwest of the province of Zamora, in the county of La Carballeda , 70 km from the city of Zamora, Benavente 50 and 30 of Puebla de Sanabria ...
Plaza Arrabal, 31 - 49300PUEBLA DE SANABRIA (Zamora)
Our mission is to meet our essential , all products selected by our professional staff with care and great care and we hope they become yours too . Safe, effective and long -backed research processes...
This village is near Zamora (11 Kms ) and the 5th Km from Salamanca . By the end of the runs Perdigón Via de la Plata and the Camino de Santiago . The Cottage Inn is a bicentennial ( old farmhouse ) That building has been restored respecting the most of their old structures and materials from the era ( Adobe , rammed earth, wood, tile arabe etc ...
The Collegiate has elements that should be commented separately as the northern front , the sacristy and the porch of majesty. Inside the building , features a twelfth-century carving of the Virgin of Hope, the title and typology representing the pregnant Virgin...
Calle Navajo, 14 El Perdigón 49720PERDIGON, EL (Zamora)
The Bullseye is a leader in Zamora province and more specifically the region of Tierra del Vino for its rich cuisine, especially the meat brasa.Desarrolando a mark of the house, in Castilla y León...
Bar Cafeteria , Restaurant, Hostal Rural El Salao ... Daily Menu . Special meals on request. Special food from home . Accommodation: Five bedrooms. Three double and two single...
The Udaco establishments are establishments with a sales floor area of ​​up to 150m2, and a trade policy based on proximity , personal service and attention to consumer... Pharmacy Camarzana Tera ... Zamora. It is one of the first on- line pharmacies in Spain. In our blog you can read interesting news related to the world of pharmacy and pharmacy - To ...
Plaza de Viriato ( Palacio de la Encarnación) 49001Zamora (Zamora)
The courtyard has arches twenty campaneles low body alight on Doric columns and upper deck , double in number, do pilasters . It may be dates of 1,651 and 1,655 , although the building has been restored a few years ago ...
Phone: 980621466 Mobile phone: 629200529 Fax: 980621466
Calle El Trubio, 1 49361ZAMORA (Vigo de Sanabria)
The Cottage \" The trubio \" are in a privileged location, just meters from the famous Romanesque bridge over the river Forcadura , also very close to our log cabins \" Sanabria \" and very close to our cottage for groups \" Monastery \" ...
Crtera de Villalpando, Km. 0,5 49029Zamora (Zamora)
Six Indoor Ski crystal. Booking online . Organization of business matches . School and tutoring . Personal Trainer. Cafeteria . Shop . Dressing . Children 's Playground ...
If you fancy a different dinner , but very funny ... Do not show dinners Perdas the Rte . Fariza . For only 20 euros you will have dinner with live performances of the best comics on the national scene ...
Built on an ancient Roman fortress in the mid fifteenth century , the effect of the Castilian wars comuneras determined the final reform Renaissance Palacio de los Condes de Alba and Ready ...
Crtra. Toro-Salamanca Km 5, Toro 49800TORO (Zamora)
According to words of Ms. Inma ... For San Andres , the wine must . Today we celebrated the most awaited event of the season ... The test vinicola harvest. It's time to see the results and looking at the faces of the audience ...
Plaza de Viriato ( Iglesia de la Encarnación) 49001Zamora (Zamora)
The old hospital of the Incarnation now houses the offices of the Council of Zamora, an information office and Tourism and the church is used as an exhibition where contemporary works of painting and sculpture exihben , is located in the historic center and pedestrian city , opposite the Parador hotel ...
Ctra. Toro - Zamora, Km. 436,7 49881MONTE LA REINA (Zamora)
Come and experience our winery and participate in an informative tasting . Then you will enjoy a ready-made for the occasion in our restaurant menu ! Bodegas Montelareina contact ...
Plaza de Viriato ( Palacio de la Encarnación) 49001Zamora (Zamora)
The day October 10, 1813 , one year after the constitution was promulgated in Cadiz , was constituted the Provincial de Zamora . A stage is also inaugurated in the organization of local government in the province , which thereafter begin to be defined , as we know it today ...
Calle Rio Truchas,17 - 49350PUENTE DE SANABRIA, EL (Zamora)
LA POSADA REAL Yensula ... In the town of Puente de Sanabria , which was built in the seventeenth century as an economic and social center of the region is Sanabresa the Posada Real La Yensula ...
It is reached , about noon the door , through the Collegiate own . It is a very striking one of the few to retain the original color visually set . Tells the story of the Virgin, Christ and the Last Judgment , also show a number of musicians who have become usual places suovenirs ...
Calle Rua de los Francos, s/n. 49001Zamora (Zamora)
From this Rua , perhaps the oldest in Zamora fenced well . We can access various sights, but one of the most important is the Church of Santa Maria Magdalena ....
Plaza Mayor de Puebla de Sanabria 49300PUEBLA DE SANABRIA (Zamora)
The Plaza Mayor of Puebla de Sanabria is located in the upper area of the town, just behind the Castle . Here are two important buildings : the City and the Parish Church of Quicksilver, having annexed the hermitage of San Cayetano ...
Lago de Sanabria ( Ribadelago) 49362GALENDE (Zamora)
Lake Sanabria, is the most characteristic of the province of Zamora element , the largest glacier lake in the Iberian Peninsula with its 318 acres and 53 m . deep ...
Plaza de España, s/n El Perdigón 49720PERDIGON, EL (Zamora)
Bordered to the north, and Tardibispo Entrala . south with Casaseca of Campeán , east to Morales Wine and west by San Marcial ... The village historically mu is linked to the figure of Viscount Garcigrande ...
It is the west facade of the Church , which has opened a niche dominated by a sculpture S.Pedro . On either side of the pediment the two quarters of the shield of the city, framed by thick vegetable work and supported by pairs of children are ...
North or northern gate is the main entrance to access the temple. It consists of different Archivolts decorated with vegetable and religious ornamentation, from among which the one with a Christ as righteous judge surrounded by the 24 elders...
Sanabria Natural Park , located north of Zamora, consists of a set of hills formed during the Hercynian orogeny and where Precambrian outcrop materials. The highest point is Trevinca Peña ( 2127 meters ) , which dominates a relief of rounded shapes cut cirques and valleys Autonomous Community: Castile and León Province: Zamora Area: Lake Sanabria Location: San MartÃn de Castañeda County: Galende Type of route : Return Route: 24 km Elevation : 846 m ...
Sanabria Vigo is a clear example of conservation sanabresa architecture. The disposition of the neighborhoods of the town is conditioned by the river Forcadura ...
The inspiration of this collegiate church is the Cathedral of Zamora , which also influenced the design of other structures , such as the Old Cathedral of Salamanca...
Villardeciervos, Plaza de Luis Nuñez, s/n . 49562VILLARDECIERVOS (Zamora)
Villardeciervos , belongs to the district of La Carballeda , is seated at the foot of the Sierra de la Culebra, which defines an end to the south and forms a landscape characterized by lush forests of conifers...
Zamora out going northeast of the city or as the name suggests , road chief town of Villalpando land of fields and people with a long history in the Spanish life ...
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