The original site of the city, therefore previous to 1454, had seven gates and walls , starting with setting and following a counter clockwise direction , were: that of Madrid, which was reached by the city from the west end; the Santa Ana or Postigo , near the present place of Victoria ; the Vado , south , near the convent of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena ; Fernan the Falcon, located at the end of the street of St. Ursula, at the east end ; that of Guadalajara, at the end of the street, before the old market square , which was then outside the walls ; that of Jewry Street between Cervantes and Santiago and finally, Burgos , laying entered the city from the north end . Except for Madrid and Burgos should modify the remaining emplacement, always in the same direction , with the extension of the fence by Archbishop Carrillo .
AFrom 1454, the Archbishop Carrillo extended the walls of the town with new construction. This is to indicate that the sun complutense circling the primitive enclosure was insufficient because of development experienced by the city: the village had been limited arable land remaining within.
By expanding the perimeter of the wall , four of their original doors had to change location , while two new had to be done . The Santa Ana moved from their place of origin to the confluence of the streets Postigo and All Souls ; the Vado moved to the intersection of the Ladies , Empecinado of Seven Corners and the Fish ; the Fernan Falcon was replaced by the Aguadores , down the street from the Colleges and Guadalajara , also called Martyrs from the mid-sixteenth century, it was moved to the end of Main Street , to extend it .In addition , it was necessary to open the San Julián south end of town.
The medieval village clustered around the temple of Saints Justo and Pastor, from the vicinity of his church, only parish until 1250 , started the various roads of the city , under a clear radial pattern . Its streets still retain a very simple scheme : start as radios to the periphery, to join with enclosure doors from a central core, which is the heart of the city. To the south, formed by two arteries and Tertia Empecinado streets , at the ends of the square of the Holy Child to the door of the Vado . To the west , the Cardinal Cisneros, and constituting Victoria Street and Postigo , split respectively to the gates of Madrid and Santa Ana To the east , two other formed by the High Street and Booksellers , and that of desktops , Santa Ursula and the Schools, are addressed, as suchrelationship, to the gates of Guadalajara and Aguadores .
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Plaza Puerta de Madrid Nocturna
The original site of the city, therefore previous to 1454, had seven gates and walls , starting with setting and following a counter clockwise direction , were: that of Madrid, which was reached by the city from the west end; the Santa Ana or Postigo , near the present place of Victoria ; the Vado , south , near the convent of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena ; Fernan the Falcon, located at the end of the street of St. Ursula, at the east end ; that of Guadalajara, at the end of the street, before the old market square , which was then outside the walls ; that of Jewry Street between Cervantes and Santiago and finally, Burgos , laying entered the city from the north end . Except for Madrid and Burgos should modify the remaining emplacement, always in the same direction , with the extension of the fence by Archbishop Carrillo .
AFrom 1454, the Archbishop Carrillo extended the walls of the town with new construction. This is to indicate that the sun complutense circling the primitive enclosure was insufficient because of development experienced by the city: the village had been limited arable land remaining within.
By expanding the perimeter of the wall , four of their original doors had to change location , while two new had to be done . The Santa Ana moved from their place of origin to the confluence of the streets Postigo and All Souls ; the Vado moved to the intersection of the Ladies , Empecinado of Seven Corners and the Fish ; the Fernan Falcon was replaced by the Aguadores , down the street from the Colleges and Guadalajara , also called Martyrs from the mid-sixteenth century, it was moved to the end of Main Street , to extend it .In addition , it was necessary to open the San Julián south end of town.
The medieval village clustered around the temple of Saints Justo and Pastor, from the vicinity of his church, only parish until 1250 , started the various roads of the city , under a clear radial pattern . Its streets still retain a very simple scheme : start as radios to the periphery, to join with enclosure doors from a central core, which is the heart of the city. To the south, formed by two arteries and Tertia Empecinado streets , at the ends of the square of the Holy Child to the door of the Vado . To the west , the Cardinal Cisneros, and constituting Victoria Street and Postigo , split respectively to the gates of Madrid and Santa Ana To the east , two other formed by the High Street and Booksellers , and that of desktops , Santa Ursula and the Schools, are addressed, as suchrelationship, to the gates of Guadalajara and Aguadores .
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