Small restaurant Vinoteca located in the center of Alcalá de Henares , opposite the Church Magistral .
With a selection of wines that exceeds fifty , you can find everything from a classic wine such as a Rioja Crianza up Azpilicueta Riesling Spanish White Guerrilla Sadacia Valley . Or a wonderful selection of Grenache Madrid or Aragon or Priorat. Or a white wine 100 % Viogner Villa Convento .
All products of the letter are of exceptional quality . The tomatoes are Special Raf Raf ® come from Almeria in letter and are only in season. Sausages are Martin Nieto ® Guijuelo designation of origin . The cheeses are Tarancón designation of La Mancha and the lamb is lamb Land of Taste .
His other specialty is tripe , the sticky rice with mushrooms , beef goulash , the cheek in red wine sauce , Iberian Pen sauce Torta del Casar and well known gazpacho ,served with diced ham and egg yolk , those are some of the dishes that can be enjoyed in this restaurant.
Very friendly and welcoming atmosphere with exquisite decor . The deep red walls remember the color of the picks or young red wine.
In short, it is a place where all the details are taken care of , from the top you entered when you serve your wine (there is also beer and soda bottles ) to the antique decoration or wall tapestries .
A very warm atmosphere.
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