Balbos forum , also called atrium Corregidor is a small space south of the main square of Caceres , Spain , attached to the walls of the historic city . It stands on the site of an ancient Roman gate Norba Caesarina colony , in most of the land between the tower and the tower Herb Oven . It is the place where the city council decided to hold their meetings, after using the door of the church of Santa Maria.
They are currently in the forum Balbos a reproduction of the statue of the Genius Androgynous and called pillar of San Francisco , one of the two troughs that were on the outskirts of the city, on the road to Merida . It is a work of sixteenth century plateresca , renovated in the eighteenth , with two coats of Caceres at the sides and one of the Catholic Monarchs in the center.
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Foro los balbos
Balbos forum , also called atrium Corregidor is a small space south of the main square of Caceres , Spain , attached to the walls of the historic city . It stands on the site of an ancient Roman gate Norba Caesarina colony , in most of the land between the tower and the tower Herb Oven . It is the place where the city council decided to hold their meetings, after using the door of the church of Santa Maria.
They are currently in the forum Balbos a reproduction of the statue of the Genius Androgynous and called pillar of San Francisco , one of the two troughs that were on the outskirts of the city, on the road to Merida . It is a work of sixteenth century plateresca , renovated in the eighteenth , with two coats of Caceres at the sides and one of the Catholic Monarchs in the center.
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