The closure of the papers of the First National Congress of Tourism and Social Media held in Cuenca on September 14, 2014 far from being the end of the project Cuenca Enamora actually supposed principle. For two days speakers from the likes of Alvaro Santos, Rafael Martínez , Fatima Martinez Alberto Calcerrada ( an oversight ) , Lasse Rouhiainen , Veronica and Jesus Martinez ( Vero4Travel ) , Alfredo Vela, Ana García Diego Mellado and Pons have gathered and visited the best hand basin Afters Association . More information
Soon other conferences WOOW360
Author's Note: Contrary to policy WOOW360 and maintain the testimonial value of the moment have been pixelated only the faces of the children , however if anyone here want to appear you can contact the author through of
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Cuencaenamora - Cierre de Ponencias
The closure of the papers of the First National Congress of Tourism and Social Media held in Cuenca on September 14, 2014 far from being the end of the project Cuenca Enamora actually supposed principle. For two days speakers from the likes of Alvaro Santos, Rafael Martínez , Fatima Martinez Alberto Calcerrada ( an oversight ) , Lasse Rouhiainen , Veronica and Jesus Martinez ( Vero4Travel ) , Alfredo Vela, Ana García Diego Mellado and Pons have gathered and visited the best hand basin Afters Association . More information
Soon other conferences WOOW360
Author's Note: Contrary to policy WOOW360 and maintain the testimonial value of the moment have been pixelated only the faces of the children , however if anyone here want to appear you can contact the author through of
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