It is located to the east of the village , on a hill overlooking the marsh Entrepeñas .
To reach it from the village follow the road N -320 towards Cifuentes , on top of a hill , on the right, and about two miles from town comes a lane that leads to the shrine .
This is a large , robust and strong is built on the rocks belonging to the old chapel and today is already gone, but his remains have been for many years under the waters of Entrepeñas . The chapel , baroque building of the seventeenth century was traced and built in 1629 by Juan Garcia Ochaíta , at the request of the town and bishopric. Impaired soon , had to be rebuilt in 1700 , this time being works by Pedro de Villa Monchalián , mountain master builder of the church of Jadraque , who gave trace. It is very severe building lines and simply molded vain ; has a single nave , largehemispherical dome covered cruising , and carving of the Virgin of Hope.
The access door is located inside on the west wall of the building.
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