Orto Alcarria , SL , also known by its brand BOUTIQUE HEALTH is the place where you will find everything necessary for their welfare and that of his family .
Since its founding in 1989 , our main interest has been to increase the quality of life of those dependents and provide care for their families. On this page you will find everything you need for it.
As we know that the quality of life , besides this care in the prevention , measurement devices have dimiciliario and care, like electronic sphygmomanometers , thermometers, etc ...
For both individuals and professionals , our clinicio Bazaar includes all the tools necessary for the diagnosis , prevention and care of our health.
Our clients are both public and private residences , centers for the disabled , public and private schools , etc ... Most of our products are provided in the catalogs of benefits SESCAM ISFASand MUFACE . We are also undertaking concerted Mutual as FREMAP , ASEPEYO
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