We offer the ability to query and read books. The printed book is the classic material , but at the same time is the most requested by users. So we remain committed to it as a means for the transmission of thought , information and culture between peoples , generations and people.
Along with the books we offer other printed products : newspapers, magazines, comic books ...
But we were not alone in that , and we offer many more facilities and resources to meet your demand for information and entertainment :
CDs of music of all kinds : pop , jazz, flamenco , classical, traditional , soundtracks, etc. .
DVDs of movies from all genres , music and documentaries
CD- ROM on all matters
Among children and youth section of the library you can find books, CDs, DVDs and CD- ROM adapted for youngsters .
The library catalog so you can look through Internet( http://reddebibliotecas.jccm.es ) , where you can learn from your own home , if we have the book you want, or books that are on a particular subject .
We also offer free internet access (Wi -fi), because we believe that through the Internet you can access a vast ocean of information which may be of use for the study, your administrative procedures, job search or communication with others.
But above all, in the Library service we offer you specialized professionals ready to serve your reading and information needs , willing to help at all times.
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We offer the ability to query and read books. The printed book is the classic material , but at the same time is the most requested by users. So we remain committed to it as a means for the transmission of thought , information and culture between peoples , generations and people.
Along with the books we offer other printed products : newspapers, magazines, comic books ...
But we were not alone in that , and we offer many more facilities and resources to meet your demand for information and entertainment :
CDs of music of all kinds : pop , jazz, flamenco , classical, traditional , soundtracks, etc. .
DVDs of movies from all genres , music and documentaries
CD- ROM on all matters
Among children and youth section of the library you can find books, CDs, DVDs and CD- ROM adapted for youngsters .
The library catalog so you can look through Internet( http://reddebibliotecas.jccm.es ) , where you can learn from your own home , if we have the book you want, or books that are on a particular subject .
We also offer free internet access (Wi -fi), because we believe that through the Internet you can access a vast ocean of information which may be of use for the study, your administrative procedures, job search or communication with others.
But above all, in the Library service we offer you specialized professionals ready to serve your reading and information needs , willing to help at all times.
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