Its present appearance dates back to 1873, when explanó the ring that is shaped ellipse.
Its present appearance dates back to 1873, when explanó the ring that is shaped ellipse. At its center (strategic place of passage for both residents and travelers, since it converge the different streets) was placed on "jurisdictional roll" (sometimes called simply "roll" or "cherry") which was a column stone, on some steps, which used to own those municipalities who enjoyed unlimited jurisdiction where the prisoners were exposed to public shame and hung the severed limbs of some sentenced to death or maimed. We can say, therefore, that the pillory was a means of punishment, while demonstrating the power of the feudal lord. This instrument is usually placed on top of primogeniture populations (although this was not the case Riaza), since they are usually the most important in terms of infrastructure and usual place of residence of the feudal lord, from which administered justice on their domains. You have to remember at this point that Riaza enjoyed and Knife Fork jurisdiction, under which he could judge any kind of crime sentencing him to the penalty to be considered timely. Until the jurisdictional rolls were suspended by decree of the Cortes of Cadiz in 1812 (disappeared from the square in the early nineteenth century), was the emblem that accredited categoryvilla, symbolizing the power of the feudal lord had to administer justice to his vassals. With the square without roll, early twentieth century it was decided to install a cast iron lamp base stone riazanas night lit until it disappeared in the 60s of the twentieth century because the bullfight difficult or steers.
Riaza mid thirteenth century, and is town, although it has come down to us document granting the privilege.
The arena is surrounded on its southern and western sides by stone steps that save the existing slope, surmounted by rectangular blocks of the same material, which are joined by wrought iron railings Riaza and are one of the hallmarks of the enclosure.
The houses of the square riazanas typical houses, some of them emblazoned facades, built mostly in the eighteenth century, have the distinction of having arcades supported by columns of stone or wood, which served as a shelter for people on inclement days , being the place in which it traded market Monday.
The assembly formed by the square, the Town Hall and the surrounding streets is part of the Cultural Interest since the December 8, 1970 it appointed a Historical.
Contributed by:
Juan Antonio Cerezo Estremera
with texts of his History of the Town of Riaza
(From its origins to the eighteenth century)
corrections and new contributions.
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Plaza Mayor
Its present appearance dates back to 1873, when explanó the ring that is shaped ellipse.
Its present appearance dates back to 1873, when explanó the ring that is shaped ellipse. At its center (strategic place of passage for both residents and travelers, since it converge the different streets) was placed on "jurisdictional roll" (sometimes called simply "roll" or "cherry") which was a column stone, on some steps, which used to own those municipalities who enjoyed unlimited jurisdiction where the prisoners were exposed to public shame and hung the severed limbs of some sentenced to death or maimed. We can say, therefore, that the pillory was a means of punishment, while demonstrating the power of the feudal lord. This instrument is usually placed on top of primogeniture populations (although this was not the case Riaza), since they are usually the most important in terms of infrastructure and usual place of residence of the feudal lord, from which administered justice on their domains. You have to remember at this point that Riaza enjoyed and Knife Fork jurisdiction, under which he could judge any kind of crime sentencing him to the penalty to be considered timely. Until the jurisdictional rolls were suspended by decree of the Cortes of Cadiz in 1812 (disappeared from the square in the early nineteenth century), was the emblem that accredited categoryvilla, symbolizing the power of the feudal lord had to administer justice to his vassals. With the square without roll, early twentieth century it was decided to install a cast iron lamp base stone riazanas night lit until it disappeared in the 60s of the twentieth century because the bullfight difficult or steers.
Riaza mid thirteenth century, and is town, although it has come down to us document granting the privilege.
The arena is surrounded on its southern and western sides by stone steps that save the existing slope, surmounted by rectangular blocks of the same material, which are joined by wrought iron railings Riaza and are one of the hallmarks of the enclosure.
The houses of the square riazanas typical houses, some of them emblazoned facades, built mostly in the eighteenth century, have the distinction of having arcades supported by columns of stone or wood, which served as a shelter for people on inclement days , being the place in which it traded market Monday.
The assembly formed by the square, the Town Hall and the surrounding streets is part of the Cultural Interest since the December 8, 1970 it appointed a Historical.
Contributed by:
Juan Antonio Cerezo Estremera
with texts of his History of the Town of Riaza
(From its origins to the eighteenth century)
corrections and new contributions.
In Google Translate
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