Serrano Street Medina , 2, 19250 Siguenza, Guadalajara ; Spain
This chamber is closed by magnificent wrought iron gate of the seventeenth century , at the expense of the prelate Fray Pedro González de Mendoza (1623-1639) , son of Prince of Eboli and Ana de Mendoza, Dukes of Pastrana. She was executed by Maeses Francisco Martinez and Sunday Zialceta , vascongado gatekeeper , that forged in the short time of four years, it being placed at mid-year 1633. Five years later he painted and gilded , adicionándole Calvary today resolves coronation and Master Juan Rodríguez Soberal executed . They escort from the transept by two famous alabaster pulpit : the flamboyant Gothic of the Epistle, or former " Predicatorio 'of the fifteenth century , designed by Rodrigo German , then in 1496 complains that was made of alabaster Aragonese Gaspar teacher . On his forehead represents the Virgin on ship with San Jorge and Santa Elena , alluding to the title of Don PedroGonzález de Mendoza (14681495) ; and plateresco Gospel XVI century masterpiece of Siguenza Vandoma Martin , who chiseled it with scenes of the Passion, in the short time seventeen months and sides of the chancel are some graves of bishops and characters up with the cathedral . On the wall of the Epistle, on the door of the apsidal ship, Don Alonso Carrillo de Albornoz, Cardinal of St. Eustatius (1424-1434) , who died in Basel in 1434 , during the celebration of the famous council of the name, in which both exerted influence that , while he lived , the views remained unanimous , and divided the time of his death. When the news came to Castile, D. John 11 de Castilla ( 1406-1454 ) still with his court in Medina del Campo, says the "Chronicle" of Fernan Perez de Guzman ( 1376-1458 ) :
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Interseccion Altar Mayor y Coro
Serrano Street Medina , 2, 19250 Siguenza, Guadalajara ; Spain
This chamber is closed by magnificent wrought iron gate of the seventeenth century , at the expense of the prelate Fray Pedro González de Mendoza (1623-1639) , son of Prince of Eboli and Ana de Mendoza, Dukes of Pastrana. She was executed by Maeses Francisco Martinez and Sunday Zialceta , vascongado gatekeeper , that forged in the short time of four years, it being placed at mid-year 1633. Five years later he painted and gilded , adicionándole Calvary today resolves coronation and Master Juan Rodríguez Soberal executed . They escort from the transept by two famous alabaster pulpit : the flamboyant Gothic of the Epistle, or former " Predicatorio 'of the fifteenth century , designed by Rodrigo German , then in 1496 complains that was made of alabaster Aragonese Gaspar teacher . On his forehead represents the Virgin on ship with San Jorge and Santa Elena , alluding to the title of Don PedroGonzález de Mendoza (14681495) ; and plateresco Gospel XVI century masterpiece of Siguenza Vandoma Martin , who chiseled it with scenes of the Passion, in the short time seventeen months and sides of the chancel are some graves of bishops and characters up with the cathedral . On the wall of the Epistle, on the door of the apsidal ship, Don Alonso Carrillo de Albornoz, Cardinal of St. Eustatius (1424-1434) , who died in Basel in 1434 , during the celebration of the famous council of the name, in which both exerted influence that , while he lived , the views remained unanimous , and divided the time of his death. When the news came to Castile, D. John 11 de Castilla ( 1406-1454 ) still with his court in Medina del Campo, says the "Chronicle" of Fernan Perez de Guzman ( 1376-1458 ) :
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