Located in Mondejar (Guadalajara ) and dedicated to the production and marketing of eggs , Fco . Lucas and Sons, Ltd. was founded in 1962. Since then he has undertaken several stages of expansion , renovation and improvement of facilities and currently has a capacity of 500,000 of which 25,000 laying hens are free range .
Today is unarguably one of the leading companies in the Spanish poultry sector.
. 100 % Spanish capital , Fco Lucas and Sons ' most significant and distinctive feature that develops the whole process of egg production : breeding pullet , layer farm center, quality control center classification, packaging and distribution , and marketing.
The feeds that are fed hens are self-made . These are made with grain feed in the area.
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Granjas Francisco de Lucas e Hijos
Located in Mondejar (Guadalajara ) and dedicated to the production and marketing of eggs , Fco . Lucas and Sons, Ltd. was founded in 1962. Since then he has undertaken several stages of expansion , renovation and improvement of facilities and currently has a capacity of 500,000 of which 25,000 laying hens are free range .
Today is unarguably one of the leading companies in the Spanish poultry sector.
. 100 % Spanish capital , Fco Lucas and Sons ' most significant and distinctive feature that develops the whole process of egg production : breeding pullet , layer farm center, quality control center classification, packaging and distribution , and marketing.
The feeds that are fed hens are self-made . These are made with grain feed in the area.
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