One Bamboo Drive, Kombo Coastal Road, Bijilo,3160 0- (-)
With its discreet whitewashed buildings and individual villas, the Coco Ocean Resort and Spa is an opulent five-stars boutique property set in lush tropical gardens with a beautiful beachside location...
Set in beautiful landscaped garden, Luigi`s is an ideal location for those who treasure their indepence without sacrificing their conforts. Located 50 meters walk from the beach, Luigi´s famous througthout area for fine cuisine and excellent accommodation...
The White Horse Residence offers three exclusive king size bedrooms with private decks, ocean views, satellite TV, a large private pool with a well stocked bar, ocean views, a private beach and restaurant...
Senegambia Beach hotel is one of the best known hotels in The Gambia, with 351 rooms and extensive range of facilities and services all set in beautiful landscaped gardens that sweep down to the fantastic Senegambia Beach...
Set in the heart of The Gambia’s tourism district and positioned along the wide sandy beach of Kotu, guest can take in colorful Sunrises and experience breathtaking Sunsets over the ocean during their stay with us...
Green Mamba Garden is located in Kololi, Senegambia, one of the most touristical places in Gambia. In Green Mamba you can enjoy the first Mongolian buffet in Gambia as well as biggest choice of fresh vegetables and meats...
Our Junior suites are located in 2-sorey buildings and comprise of a bedroom, a living room and a kitchenette which is convenient for long staying guests as well as families coming for a short visit...
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One Bamboo Drive, Kombo Coastal Road, Bijilo,3160 ()
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Coco Ocean Resort and Spa
With its discreet whitewashed buildings and individual villas, the Coco Ocean Resort and Spa is an opulent five-stars boutique property set in lush tropical gardens with a beautiful beachside location.
One Bamboo Drive, Kombo Coastal Road, Bijilo,3160 0 - (-)
With its discreet whitewashed buildings and individual villas, the Coco Ocean Resort and Spa is an opulent five-stars boutique property set in lush tropical gardens with a beautiful beachside location...
One Bamboo Drive, Kombo Coastal Road, Bijilo,3160 0 - (-)
Guest can relax with sunloungers, umbrellas and individual beach cabanas and there is choice of solar-heated swimming pools, making this resort truly an all-year-round choice...
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