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Maha Aung Mye Bon Zan Monastery well known as Me Nu Oak Kyaung or the Brick Monastery was built by Nanmadaw Me Nu, Chief Queen of King Bagyidaw in 1818.
It was damaged by the earthquake in 1838 but in 1873 it was restored by Sinbyumashin, Queen of Mindon, and a daughter of Nanmadaw Me Nu.
The building is markedly different from traditional Burmese monasteries, which are constructed with wood, not masonry.
Tar Yoe Lan Street
Latitude: 21.858
Longitude: 95.985
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Tar Yoe Lan Street
Latitude: 21.858, Longitude: 95.985
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Maha Aung Mye Bon Zan Monastery well known as Me Nu Oak Kyaung or the Brick Monastery was built by Nanmadaw Me Nu, Chief Queen of King Bagyidaw in 1818. It was damaged by the earthquake in 1838 but in 1873 it was restored by Sinbyumashin, Queen of Mindon, and a daughter of Nanmadaw Me Nu...
Inwa, also known as Ava, is an ancient city capital of sucessive burmese kingdoms, and located 21 km from Mandalay. Yedanisimi Paya, or Yadana Hsemee Pagoda, is one of the pleasing temples located in this area...
One of Innwa's attractions is the renovated Bagaya Kyaung, which dates from 1834. teakwood monastery also served as a royal palace. The tower seen here is secular architecture as well as the Royal Palace in Mandalay...
Maha Aung Mye Bon Zan Monastery well known as Me Nu Oak Kyaung or the Brick Monastery was built by Nanmadaw Me Nu, Chief Queen of King Bagyidaw in 1818.
It was damaged by the earthquake in 1838 but in 1873 it was restored by Sinbyumashin, Queen of Mindon, and a daughter of Nanmadaw Me Nu.
The building is markedly different from traditional Burmese monasteries, which are constructed with wood, not masonry.