" The Mensegal is the golden clasp that binds primitive Iberian pious institutions with existing customs" ( Father César Morán . " Artistic historical review of the province of Salamanca" )
Populated from the S XII, XIII and the S can verify the presence of a monastic community benidictina . Currently the site that hosts the shrine is held by neighbors Endrinal acquired at public auction in the confiscation of S XIX.
Legend has it that in the hollow of the Nogala image of a Black Madonna that led to the lifting of the shrine was found.
This center of worship had, and has two important days of the year , the day of the Pilgrimage ( Monday of water ) and 24 June, the day of San Juan Bautista .
The main elements that survive are :
- The building of the present chapel is the S XVI.
- In front of the chapel is the Nogala centuries .
- Under Nogala is the " Entablao " or platform on which are representedcomedy acts or cultural.
- East of the chapel is the bullring quadrangular has been found that already existed in the S XV ( one of the oldest in Spain )
- To the northeast lies the source of Mensegal .
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" The Mensegal is the golden clasp that binds primitive Iberian pious institutions with existing customs" ( Father César Morán . " Artistic historical review of the province of Salamanca" )
Populated from the S XII, XIII and the S can verify the presence of a monastic community benidictina . Currently the site that hosts the shrine is held by neighbors Endrinal acquired at public auction in the confiscation of S XIX.
Legend has it that in the hollow of the Nogala image of a Black Madonna that led to the lifting of the shrine was found.
This center of worship had, and has two important days of the year , the day of the Pilgrimage ( Monday of water ) and 24 June, the day of San Juan Bautista .
The main elements that survive are :
- The building of the present chapel is the S XVI.
- In front of the chapel is the Nogala centuries .
- Under Nogala is the " Entablao " or platform on which are representedcomedy acts or cultural.
- East of the chapel is the bullring quadrangular has been found that already existed in the S XV ( one of the oldest in Spain )
- To the northeast lies the source of Mensegal .
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