Commuting . The mendicant orders on the Camino de Santiago
In each urban center where the children of St. Francis and St. Clare are located , convents become areas of spirituality and study ; irradiators peace, harmony and comfort , through the preaching and example of its members, living poverty as a transcendent model.
Over time, and through pious donations and testamentary send orders, Franciscan houses amazed as containers of relics and artistic works under the power of the saint of Assisi intermediation in the underworld and of Franciscan devotion to Christ sorrowful , Mother of God- iconographic creation of the Pilgrim Virgin stands as a contribution to the cultural history and own holy order , as St. Anthony and St. Clare .
Sacred parts for divine service goldsmith and sacred rite increase this heritage , like reliquariescontainers ineffable treasures.
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San Francisco no Camiño de Santiago 03. In Itinere.
Commuting . The mendicant orders on the Camino de Santiago
In each urban center where the children of St. Francis and St. Clare are located , convents become areas of spirituality and study ; irradiators peace, harmony and comfort , through the preaching and example of its members, living poverty as a transcendent model.
Over time, and through pious donations and testamentary send orders, Franciscan houses amazed as containers of relics and artistic works under the power of the saint of Assisi intermediation in the underworld and of Franciscan devotion to Christ sorrowful , Mother of God- iconographic creation of the Pilgrim Virgin stands as a contribution to the cultural history and own holy order , as St. Anthony and St. Clare .
Sacred parts for divine service goldsmith and sacred rite increase this heritage , like reliquariescontainers ineffable treasures.
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