Legend has surrounded , like almost all medieval saints, the figure of St. Atilano . After stating that in his episcopal consecration became visible the Holy Spirit as a dove and fleeing the Arabs in their wake the old Roman bridge over the Douro river perishing undio his pursuers , has done extraordinarily popular simple ring Zamorano revere the parish ... the arciprestal Zamora dedicated in his memory this street named San Atilano .
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Calle de San Atilano ...
Legend has surrounded , like almost all medieval saints, the figure of St. Atilano . After stating that in his episcopal consecration became visible the Holy Spirit as a dove and fleeing the Arabs in their wake the old Roman bridge over the Douro river perishing undio his pursuers , has done extraordinarily popular simple ring Zamorano revere the parish ... the arciprestal Zamora dedicated in his memory this street named San Atilano .
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