True to its geographical location , the Plaza Mayor de Zamora is a traditional Spanish square , a square , paved and surrounded by low-rise buildings with arcades . It is located in the historical center being pedestrianized . In this square are three important buildings : The City ( or house of the bakers ) The Old Ayuntmiento ( Municipal Police Headquarters ) and the Church of San Juan Bautista ... On the Plaza have been buried part of the old murallas.También in this place there are a couple of sculptures, much loved by Zamoranos : One ( the Merlu ) representing our Easter and the other dedicated to sculptor Ramón Alvarez Zamorano ...
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Plaza Mayor de Zamora ...
True to its geographical location , the Plaza Mayor de Zamora is a traditional Spanish square , a square , paved and surrounded by low-rise buildings with arcades . It is located in the historical center being pedestrianized . In this square are three important buildings : The City ( or house of the bakers ) The Old Ayuntmiento ( Municipal Police Headquarters ) and the Church of San Juan Bautista ... On the Plaza have been buried part of the old murallas.También in this place there are a couple of sculptures, much loved by Zamoranos : One ( the Merlu ) representing our Easter and the other dedicated to sculptor Ramón Alvarez Zamorano ...
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