Mimizan is a town located in the French Basque coast in the region of Aquitaine which is part of the Landes department . It is in this city where Mimizan Playa find an important tourist center of the town of Mimizan characteristic being the resort of many tourists mainly of Dutch origin...
Mimizan is a town located in the French Basque coast in the region of Aquitaine which is part of the Landes department . It is in this city where Mimizan Playa find an important tourist center of the town of Mimizan characteristic being the resort of many tourists mainly of Dutch origin...
Mimizan is a town located in the French Basque coast in the region of Aquitaine which is part of the Landes department . It is in this city where Mimizan Playa find an important tourist center of the town of Mimizan characteristic being the resort of many tourists mainly of Dutch origin...
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