Mimizan is a town located in the French Basque coast in the region of Aquitaine which is part of the Landes department .
It is in this city where Mimizan Playa find an important tourist center of the town of Mimizan characteristic being the resort of many tourists mainly of Dutch origin.
Mimizan Beach is characterized not only by multiplying the number of inhabitants in summer but for its wonderful beaches and vast forest.
The stream divides the town into two parts, the north and the south in the north centralizing all the summer festivals , markets , all areas where tourists gather , nightlife ... Leaving the south area trails and parkland.
Walking distance to find another part of town dubbed Mimizan Bourg located inward where are the vast majority of services as well as the \" Prieure mimizan- museum .\"
BeachCEL is one of the lifeguards are not to be found in Playa Mimizan and defining the military area . Access to the beach can only be on foot or bicycle access and is located approximately in the number 57 of the Rue de la Poste. Approximate journey time walk will be about 30min and 10min bike about . Along the way we will see on our right the extensive forests and on our left the famous dune. Once the track at the exit to the right is access to the beach ends .
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Plage du CEL
Mimizan is a town located in the French Basque coast in the region of Aquitaine which is part of the Landes department .
It is in this city where Mimizan Playa find an important tourist center of the town of Mimizan characteristic being the resort of many tourists mainly of Dutch origin.
Mimizan Beach is characterized not only by multiplying the number of inhabitants in summer but for its wonderful beaches and vast forest.
The stream divides the town into two parts, the north and the south in the north centralizing all the summer festivals , markets , all areas where tourists gather , nightlife ... Leaving the south area trails and parkland.
Walking distance to find another part of town dubbed Mimizan Bourg located inward where are the vast majority of services as well as the \" Prieure mimizan- museum .\"
BeachCEL is one of the lifeguards are not to be found in Playa Mimizan and defining the military area . Access to the beach can only be on foot or bicycle access and is located approximately in the number 57 of the Rue de la Poste. Approximate journey time walk will be about 30min and 10min bike about . Along the way we will see on our right the extensive forests and on our left the famous dune. Once the track at the exit to the right is access to the beach ends .
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